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PCO Item Form Regressions

With the changes to the PCO form in version 2025.1, there have been multiple major impacts to efficiency, along with functionality and design inconsistancies. I'm kind of shocked this was pushed out. It feels like either this release was rushed for some reason, or the testing process needs refinement. Releases like this leave a bad impression.

Regression: Contract Selection

It is now much more difficult to select the contract for cost impacts. On our jobs, we typically have ~60+ contracts. The new form only displays the Contract Number and Scope, where it used to also show the Company Name. People don't think in contract numbers, they think in company names, so this makes it more time-consuming and difficult select the correct company/contract.

Additionally, if/when company names are added back to this dropdown (in both the pop-up form for the PCO line, and the grid), users should be able to type into that field to filter down the companies that having contracts on the job.

At minimum, the contract selection should show the Contract Number and Sub's name. If Trimble wants to show scope as well, please add the sub's name, so that we see Number, Sub Name, Scope.

As a rule, when typing into a field to filter a dropdown list, it should filter based on any of the visible data. When it doesn't work this way, it is confusing to the user.

Regression: Budget Code Selection

Similarly, you can no longer search by budget code description, only budget code number. Jobs have hundreds of codes on them and it's impossible to remember all the numbers vs. just being able to type a description.

Again, as a rule, when typing into a field to filter a dropdown list, it should filter based on any of the visible data. When it doesn't work this way, it is confusing to the user

Regression: Description Field Size

The description field is very small. Another user has submitted a separate idea for this.

Suggestion: Color-Code Budget / Cost / Revenue

Just like you already have on the main grid of the PCO, color-code the pop-up form. Color-coding is great and it makes it very clear what each section relates to.

Suggestion: Align Funcitonality Between Grid & Pop-up Form

The functionality for PCO item fields should be the same, whether you're in the full grid or on a specific item's pop-up editor. It's confusing to everyone when they operate differently, for no apparent reason.


On the bright side, since the functionality is different between the grid and pop-up, I'm suggesting the following workaround to all our users, until these items are addressed.

  1. After adding a new line to the PCO, you’ll get the pop-up to fill in the details. Just fill in a description and then hit done. This closes the pop-up and takes you back to the full PCO.

  2. From the PCO item grid, you can select a contract, and for some reason this field does still show the contract number and subcontractor name. So, this is a much easier way to find it in the meantime.

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    • Kamelia Soliman
      Jan 21, 2025

      Agree, very time consuming and counter intuitive.

    • Guest
      Jan 21, 2025

      100% agreed. Very time consuming and is not helpful in any way.

    • Mike Bingham
      Jan 21, 2025

      Concur. Very time consuming.

    • Sam Retherford
      Jan 21, 2025

      Why would the company name be removed from contract selection? This is very counter intuitive and should definitely be added back.

    • Mike Florio
      Jan 21, 2025

      well said, this is now a more time consuming exercise.