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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

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Allow addition of backdated Cost Periods

Currently the cost periods under project settings can only be modified by adding new cost periods from the last added date. Users are not able to add cost periods manually for past periods. We've had projects get added to ProjectSight once the project had already started i.e. previous billings already done. Since we did not alter our project template cost periods which start 1/1/2020 we did not realize that the project would at some point need to go catalog previous billings from 2019. As the project had already started billing in ProjectSight we had to delete the billings to restart the cost periods correctly from 2019. A simple fix for this would be to add a Save button in the Cost Periods and allow the user to enter the dates desired, but force a save prior to exiting. Currently the system gives an error if a period overlaps or if the to and from dates contradict each other, even though you ultimately plan on correcting the issue - the system wont allow you to click out of the cell. Allow the user to enter the dates but then force a Save and/or show the error messages as typical.

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