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Opening RFI through email notification and the draft of RFI

When a sub generates a RFI they have their own tracking no of RFI which never matches with our's.

When i generate a RFI and attach the sub RFI as reference EOR gets an email notification to open it through email. when you click on the link in email it opens up the attachments but does not generate a RFI with latest no on PS. So the EOR sees the sub's RFI no which will be different than what they received in notification.

I know PS generates a form when closed RFI's gets emailed through software with logo, RFI no, status, question and answer.

if PS can do that when RFI is assigned to EOR that would resolve the confusion. most of the time the person who receives the RFI in EOR office is admin and this can be confusing to the person.

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