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Ability to unpublish drawings, and edit.

Ability for Drawings to be unpublished to correct any item, such as a Drawing number being incorrect.

Users wants to be able to correct a drawing number that may have been interpreted wrong on a published drawing and not lose revision information.

Currently, they have to delete the drawing and re-upload and re-publish losing any revisions

Suggested implementation:
Give the users the ability to unpublish and re-publish to correct items such as drawing number.

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    • Luke Koenig
      Oct 2, 2024

      A shift towards the importance of drawing revision would be beneficial for my group.

      I upload drawings with their own revisions with various characters. ProjectSight likes to assign a revision itself as a revision to being on ProjectSight indexed at 01 - not the actual drawing revision. My group needs the actual drawing revision to be automatically OCR recorded.

    • Luke Koenig
      Oct 2, 2024

      from an admin posted yesterday in one of the merged ideas:

      • AdminMichael PetersonReply | Oct 1, 2024

        Hi Chris,

        We're working on this now, I've merged this to a similar suggestion that covers this functionality. Looking forward to delivering it soon!

    • Mihael Ivančan
      May 24, 2024

      this would be great

    • Brennan O'Brien
      Aug 29, 2023

      One should be able to upload a previous revision number without having to delete all sets that have been uploaded and are further sets than that one. For example, if I have Revision 5 uploaded but have not yet uploaded Revision 4, I should be able to edit the currently uploaded Revision 5 set and upload the Revision 4 set in a manner which does not require the deletion and reupload of Revision 5. One should simply be able to edit published drawings and change the set they belong to; this is an easy fix.

    • Brennan O'Brien
      Aug 29, 2023

      I want to be able to edit the revision numbers on drawings that have been uploaded. Right now, I would have to delete these drawings and republish them to achieve this.

      This issue regarding the inability to edit published drawings was first uploaded in May 2019, and it still has not been addressed in in August 2024. This is a very basic feature that should have been addressed before the product's launch.

    • Brennan O'Brien
      Aug 29, 2023

      This issue was first uploaded in May 2019, and it still has not been addressed in in August 2024. This is a very basic feature that should have been addressed before the product's launch.

    • Tonya Overstreet
      Jul 12, 2023

      Comments from a client at Barr & Barr:

      There are going to be occasional read errors that are not caught before publishing. In your competitor, PlanGrid, when this happens you can go back and fix the source of the error, and it makes the corrections in all subsequent versions of the drawing. That is the way it should be.

      In ProjectSight, you can’t make edits to drawings once they are published. So I had to go back to the drawing set where the read error originated, and delete the drawing and re-upload it. But when I did that, it transposed the Revision Number of that drawing and its subsequent revision, making the drawing with the more recent revision date Rev. 0, and the older drawing Rev. 1. Apparently this happens because ProjectSight bases Rev. number on Rev. date except in this particular circumstance, where is bases Rev. number based on which drawing was uploaded more recently. Or maybe I am misremembering what I was told about how ProjectSight determines what is the most recent revision of a drawing. It should be based on Revision Date, not which drawing was uploaded most recently.

      So the only way to fix this was to go back and delete the drawing where the read error originated and every subsequent version of that drawing (and in this case there was only one subsequent version, but there could have been ten), and then re-upload them in the order in which I wanted the revisions to display.

      In PlanGrid I would just go back to the set where the read error occurred, correct the error (which I was able to do without even having to delete and re-upload the drawing), and all subsequent revisions would be automatically corrected. In ProjectSight I had to do that whole convoluted process described above. No one in their right mind could possibly think that this is an intuitive and user friendly process, and how it actually made it past beta testers is baffling.

    • Guest
      Apr 10, 2023

      Good afternoon,

      I have a similar predicament, I had a published progress set of drawings, which was used to issue contracts but once the Master Permit set was released, we needed to relabel the Revision tag in order to accommodate the new set and keep the sequence.

      The only solution available is to delete all drawings and reload, which causes a massive delay, sometimes the sets may have over a 1000 sheets.

      Please provide an efficient solution that will allow users to modify certain details without compromising the records.

      Thank you

    1 MERGED

    Allow editing of drawing details already uploaded to drawing set

    I'd like the ability to rename drawings without deleting/reuploading files to drawing set. It's a pain when you catch a mistake and need to go through effort of reuploading file
    Guest 6 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 1 Shipped
    6 MERGED

    Ability for Admins change drawing numbers, revisions and letters after published

    Currently, once new drawings area scanned and published by Projectsight OCR you cannot change the drawing numbers and letters. The problem is that OCR will read some zeros "0" but publish the drawings with an "O" and sometimes you end up with a "....
    Jeff Young over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0 Shipped