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Status Shipped
Categories Daily Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2019

Daily report's 'Add Crew' option should allow Multiple uses per crew

Enhancement description:

Daily Report's don't allow for crews to be used more than once. In Mobile it doesn't allow users to select a crew from the list more than once, and in the Web it doesn't create a new record each time the same crew is selected, it just updates the existing record that's already there which is confusing.

What are we trying to accomplish?

Let users input hours and different labor types for the same crew in multiple records under Daily Reports. It makes sense that the same crew could perform multiple jobs and split the hours between the jobs.

How is the lack of functionality affecting us?

They are unable to use Daily Reports to track crews because their workers do multiple job types throughout the day, and this can't be tracked in ProjectSight.

Suggested implementation:

Allow Crews to be added multiple times in the same Daily Report record, adding up total hours properly and describing the different types of labor performed.

Describe any workarounds?


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