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This portal is for suggesting enhancements only. If you are experiencing a product defect, please contact support.

Status Future consideration
Categories Reports
Created by Guest
Created on Mar 22, 2019

Add Word Merge to ProjectSight reporting features.

Enhancement description:

Add Word Merge to ProjectSight reporting features.

What is the customer trying to accomplish?

Word Merge

How is the lack of functionality affecting their business?

Has to create emails and Word documents manually for emails and documents that are more efficiently created via a template.

Suggested implementation:

Add Word Merge to ProjectSight reporting features.


Use Custom Reports to generate documents

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  • Mercedes Green
    Jul 11, 2024

    Currently having to setup our contracts using Crystal Reports is extremely tedious as it is not meant for lengthy text documents. The formatting is difficult to maintain and when you are working with 50+ page legal documents, having to update them with changes is also extremely tedious. We receive our contracts from lawyers in Word format so being able to simply upload a word document, then map fields for a merge is way more efficient. Crystal is not meant for these types of documents.

  • Brian Shawe
    Feb 6, 2024

    Additionally I failed to mention that I use this for every project. I created a work around for subcontract and added language to scope of work and general notes that cover the main body page and have additional pdfs to combine to complete the subcontracts. But for owner contracts I still have to set up projects in Prolog Manager and then used my AIA style owner contracts for word merge to create different owner contracts in lieu of having to buy additional contracts from AIA. So if we had the ability to word merge I would not have to do duplicate work setting up a project twice in Prolog and ProjectSight.

  • Brian Shawe
    Feb 1, 2024

    Since the introduction of ProjectSight the discussion of Word Merge capabilities has been discussed to replicate the functionality of Prolog Manager & Converge. Since that platform is no longer supported and has reached end of life, I would have hoped that the future consideration aspect would have been expedited in 2023. This Idea is from 2019 as is #PSW-I-2410. My own is from 2021 #PSW-I-1555 even though I have be asking about this from day one. All are listed as Future Consideration. When does our future become a reality.

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