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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

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PS Web App & Platform

Showing 2094
178 VOTE

Portfolio Level Checklist Templates - A MUST

Currently checklist templates can only be managed at a project level. What if 30 new checklist templates are added to the template project after 50 projects have already been created. All of these jobs need the new checklists. Now someone has to g...
Hunter Dickerson over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Field Management / Settings & Administration 12

Meeting Minutes - Portfolio Templates or Import/ Export

We have a few standard meetings that need to be set up for each project. The process of creating these meetings for each project is time-wasting when it can be simply automated. Please consider an import/export or templates similar to checklists.
Jonathan Cote 12 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Performance 0

Search for Files in the File Library

We have an extensive folder structure in the File Library and would like to be able to easily search for files or folder names (including subfolders).
Fady Sobhy 3 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 1

Add Custom Field to Submittal Tracking Tab

The ability to add a custom field to the tracking tab, specifically add a "Date Released" field to allow tracking of formal release for production of large equipment
Courtney Foster 11 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Custom Fields 0

Option to Import/Export Meeting Minutes

There should be an option to Import/Export Meeting Minutes
jamie Conrad 26 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Import/Export 0

Update purchase-order "invoiced amount" with ERP invoice data.

Currently the "invoiced amount" on purchase orders only shows information if invoices are written through ProjectSight. With the Vista/Spectrum integration it would be nice to see this information update with the invoiced amounts from the ERP system.
Allen Sharar 24 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Ball In Court Indication

There is no “Ball in court” indication, so Architects must open every single email, every time to make sure he doesn’t have anything due. Or alternatively, every time he gets an email from ProjectSight, he has to login and check the status of what...
Jackie Allen 11 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 2

Drawings to Automatically Show Current Set

Before the last two updates the drawings module automatically only showed the 'Current Set' for drawings. With the new updates this reverts to All Drawings with no filters to some users. This causes for persons to no longer be immediately seeing t...
Carrie Gilbert 4 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 3

Create a FORMS module in ProjectSight

Project Sight needs a FORMS module, that allows admins to upload company template forms, by embedding writable PDF files that can be filled out as individual records. This process can be completed currently in ViewPoint Teams and needs to be inclu...
Jeremy Block over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control / Field Management 6

Portal for Known Issues and Potential Workarounds

Requesting an External-Facing portal be created that displays known issues and any workarounds related to those issues. This would reduce the number of tickets needing submitted for known issues and would allow users to quickly identify known issues.
James Dale about 2 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Help 1