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Status Planned
Created by Guest
Created on Apr 20, 2020

Allow multiple PCO Default Markups per level

Often times we have contracts where there are default markups that are split into separate line items, however they are on the same "Level" as defined in the software. We may have multiple types of insurance that need to be accounted for at different percentages that are listed as separate line items, for example. The ability to choose the level of markup for each default markup and allow multiple per level within a PCO would allow the user to provide greater detail and correctly add the default markups.

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  • Guest
    Jun 2, 2023

    This feature needs to be implemented and assignable to the specific project teams to reflect the individual contract agreement Mark-Ups.

  • Phil
    Jun 2, 2023

    This is a feature that used to be in Prolog. Different Levels could be set for each markup to tell it what order to include it in the calculation and whether to include its markup percentage with another on the same level. SO if a total was 1000.00 and you had one default markup of 5% with a level 1, another default markup at 10% also set to a level 1 (not possible right now), then when you hit the 'default markups" button in the PCO, it would give you those 2 markup lines but draw both from the 1000.00... so one line at 1000 x .05 = 50 and another line at 1000 x .10 = 100 . The way ProjectSight is now, each new markup added is treated like a new level. The new markup calculates from the PCO items total plus the previous markups. So the same scenario above is 1000 x .05 = 50 and the next line item is calculated as 1050 x .10 = 105.

  • Paige Sattler
    Jun 2, 2023

    This feature was in Prolog. Projectsight not having this ability is upsetting Owner's and we are forced to recalculate all the defaults ourselves creating extra time and possible errors in math. Some sites have 6 different types of markups or more.

  • Byron Grimm
    Feb 10, 2023

    We ran into this issue yesterday while evaluating ProjectSight. Almost every project that uses default markups needs multiple line items at the same "level". Ex: bonds & insurance (separate budget codes) are added to cost of work, and fee is added on top of that. The way Prolog works where you can define the calculation level is what is needed. The ability to add sliding scale markups would be a huge bonus.