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Document Control

Showing 235

Allow document comments with no text to be promoted and to alert the assignees and CCed users that a comment has been added.

Currently, if a user uploads a file to an RFI or Submittal as a response but they do not include any additional text within the comment, this "comment" will not send a notification to any assignees or CCed users, it also does not allow for the "pr...
Guest over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 1

The closed toggle switch in the Submittal full form under the workflow status work independently.

Seems strange that you could close a Submittal while the status workflow is in another status. These two field should work together. This does not seem logical.
William Atchison almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 1

Copies of submittals and RFIs to have rev numbers instead of all new record numbers

Enhancement description: Allow copies of Submittals and RFI's to create a new revision number 1. open a Project and navigate to Document Control-Submittals (or RFI) 2. Copy a submittal and save 3. Notice that saving a copy of an existing submittal...
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0 Future consideration

Show linked sheets after answered RFI has been posted in RFI summary module

In order to quickly audit answered RFIs and make sure that they have been posted to applicable drawing sheets, add a field that shows the linked sheets on the summary page. This feature is already included within the RFI - but you have to click on...
Mary Kay Bunker about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0 Future consideration

Ability to bulk update submittal status in submittal package

it is possible to select all package items but not to bulk change the status or date fields based on the selection. In a package with multipe submittals every package has to be updated individually
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0 Future consideration

Submittals - Ability to use the spec section as part of the item numbering scheme

Ability to use the spec section as part of the item numbering scheme. Our master specifications call for the following spec numbering standard: IDENT-SPEC#-NUM-REV. (Ex: PROJ-064000-023-03)
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0 Future consideration

Transmittal Acknowledgement

When I send a transmittal, the recipient(s) should be able to easily mark that they have received it. Now, if I send a transmittal, there is nothing on the email that would allow them to acknowledge that they have received the transmittal. There s...
Brennan O'Brien over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Add the ability to add sub topics in Meeting Minutes.

Client wants the ability to break out his meeting topics into subtopics for the meeting minutes. You can assign tasks for a topic, but this is not really sub topics.
William Atchison over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 1

Turnaround time for Submittals

Per documentation the turnaround time is based on the created and resolution date. This calculation doesn't work for us as we create the submittal records in advance of receiving the actual documents. It would be better if the calculation could be...
Michael Handlmaier almost 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 1

Add folders copy option.

Hello, good morning, I'm Fernanda Arriaga from Mexico. I'm a quality resident in one industrial construction, I am in charge of reviewing and storing all the information collected from each specialty, and everyone is asked for 14 points and each o...
Guest over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0