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Daily Reports

Showing 8

There should be an option to modify the crew from the daily report

The user should be able to add or delete workers to/from the crew from the labor entry dialog. Static crew setups don't allow for daily changes in workforce. If a crew is missing a worker or a worker was replaced it is cumbersome to have to modify...
Guest about 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration

Daily Reports - Labor Entry Window when Expanded

Currently when you expand the labor entry window to full screen, it does not expand the contents of the form to accommodate the extra space. If detailed labor is enabled, the workers area should expand down for less scrolling. Everything under it ...
Hunter Dickerson almost 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration

Exporting daily log notes/comments

Would be nice to set up automatic reporting for specific items such as the notes or comments portion of a daily log. Same is true for specific documents and or time entries.
Jack Bowen about 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports / Reports 0 Future consideration

Adding Cost Coding Capabilities to Labor & Equip in Daily in order to hit Budget/Invoicing

More detail to be added in comments by ProjectSight consultants/dev team, but the general idea here is to have cost tracked in the Daily and run through the system to the BCM module, to hit the budget and be able to invoice off of it. This would a...
Guest about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 2 Future consideration

Add a Summary Daily Report that shows total manhours per month or selected time frame

a combined daily report, so they can show total man hours per month, or per whatevertime frame they select, for the purpose of their monthly payment requisitions to owners. They don't put in requisitions by the day,so someone on their end will hav...
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration

Man Power, Hours and Weather

I truly wish that you daily allowed for a better man count and total hours. Ex; Solomon Plumbing (3) Members (8) Hours (24) hours total. Weather needs to have a High and Low for the day, or make it like NoteVault and auto update every hour during ...
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration

Ability to track overtime (OT) in labor Cards

Provide an ability to track overtime and regular time in Labor.
William Atchison about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration

Daily Reports - Per Worker

Add the ability to tie a cost cost down to the worker level. Reference Prolog ability on detailed data capture.
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration