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Created by Nick Weilemann
Created on Jun 7, 2023

Pin Photos to Drawings

Allow the user to pin one or more photos to drawings in the specific location(s) they choose.

  • Attach files
  • Eric Elfner
    Aug 8, 2023

    This is the biggest complaint I am getting from users as we migrate drawings from Plangrid to ProjectSight. Being able to pin a photo to a spot in a drawing is really important. And being able to link to that pin is important too. Plangrid had an export feature that would allow you to export all of the photos on a drawing into a PDF that started out with an image of the drawing on page one and all the hyperlinks took you to the photos in the PDF. A great tool for Progress Photos, Before photos or any other photo documentation. Last, the pinning needs to be done from the iOS app so they can do it from their phone or iPad while walking the jobsite. Thanks!

  • Jessica Ream
    Jun 8, 2023

    For clarification, in ProjectSight, under Drawings if you open a drawing, you can create a quick link/pins - punch item, RFI and when you do so you can add links and can drag and drop multiple files or pictures. When you use the Cloud or the Draw took and then click link to upload a file the same window appears but when you try to drag and drop you are only able to drag and drop one photo. We would like to see this feature work as the pins (punch items and RFI's) where you can include multiple photos when utilizing the cloud or the draw or share feature too.