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Being able to add photos directly from app would be more efficient than using one of the other documents.
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Any idea on when a Photos Tab is going to be implemented on the mobile app? This has been an outstanding issue for long enough.
We do not see this option.
Amy Berry
Process Manager
1600 Executive Drive South, Suite 100
Duluth, Georgia 30096
678.380.3106 O|678.380.7111 F|
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This is critical. Our sister company is ready to leave Procore sign up to ProjectSight. The only thing holding them back is the ability to take photos within the job, and store them for viewing in a photo folder. Just like Procore does. This seem like a basic function that should have been implemented long ago. I am surprised this is not a feature., seems like it would be pretty simple to add this.
This should be ProjectSight most urgent priority. We have an entire company ready to sign up that is contingent on this feature.
The status is "likely to implement". Is there a timeline for this to "likely" be available. Available tomorrow is not soon enough.
Photo module on the phone app is absolutely critical and should be an urgent priority. Period.
I agree. If ProjectSight wants to compete with Procore, they need to do this
This makes entirely too much sense. Surprised it wasn't part of the initial build. In the interim, another may is to utilize File Library (Trimble Connect) since you get the option to take a photo or upload from your photo library on the device. That's the good news. The not so good news is that you cannot name the file when uploading when using the camera so they all upload as "image.jpg" which if not renamed right away then you run the risk of overwriting with your next photo as it's interpreted as a revision not a new photo.
@Sandra- I'd like the ability to add photo's directly to an album while I walk the job each day, from the mobile app. Similar to how ViewPoint Teams allows you to. Thanks,
Just like a photos tab like docs or drawings where they reside for each project. From that being able to create folders within that tab. Also the ability to export to daily reports or emails etc.
Steve Jordan
General Superintendent
Reeves Young
@Sandra Thumbs UP
Looking to have a photo option on the iPhone/iPad application photos can be take or viewed not related to a task, report or punch list. A lot of times the PM would like to snap photos as they walk the site and go back to review and manage them while sitting at the office.
We would just like the same ability we have via online with the photos tab. As a project manager, I want to view the photos my field guys have posted.
Our company just issued iPad Pros and I would rather use the app vs being in the browser.
Thank you,
Brian M. Stricker
Project Manager
Speedwell Construction
It would be great to be able to view all new & old project photos from a separate module/tab in the app. I also take multiple project photos daily and I would like to upload them directly from my phone/tablet within the app instead of just adding them to the daily logs. The added folder/tab in the website was a nice addition to view old photos and upload new photos by the day. I know that development has been working to add photo pins to the drawings, so you can have multiple pins on the drawings and then add multiple photos to the same pin. Please make these enhancements to the photos.
I'll second what Jessica suggested earlier today - a photo module directly in the app similar to the website. I walk the site regularly to take general job photos, and am looking for a way to upload them & browse through them on the mobile platform since they are not record-specific.
Hello Sandra - For our company, individuals would love to see the mobile app enhanced to perform similar to the web app where you can navigate to the drawings and pin photo(s) (one or many) directly to the drawings (the photo icon on the web version drawings) and these photos that are pinned on the drawing sheets placed/organized directly into the photo module.
It would also be helpful to have a photo module directly in the mobile app so individuals in the field could tab photos and place them in the photo module, if needed.
Thank you for taking the time to consider this modification! It will be extremely helpful, once it is implemented!
As we have been doing discovery for adding photos for mobile, I was looking for some feedback.
Are you looking for the ability to snap photos that are project related but not specifically record related? If you did so, where would you be more likely to view/manage them?
Thanks for your feedback!
I didn't even realize this module was not in the mobile app. We just switched over from VP Team and it has a nice photos module in their app. This is a must.
PLEASE add the photo module to the ISO App. I could not believe this was missing. Drawings and Photos are the (2) most important features we need on the app. We are using the iPad pro for our PM's and Superintendent's. We need this added ASAP.
why is this even to vote? Needs to be added yesterday, dumbest thing ever that it’s not
This is an absolute most. I’m not even sure why I have to ask for it. We have clients to do not come to the job site. I want to see progress photos. This needs to be on here all the time.