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Categories Drawings
Created by Brendan Radich
Created on May 27, 2021

Recents/History Button & Other Drawing Viewer Improvements

Add a Recents/History Button

Having recents at the top of the disciplines is nice but it doesn't account for a user scrolling down to a specific discipline, navigating through to a few sheets/detail callouts and then wanting to quickly go back to a previous sheet. As it is now, the user has to close their current sheet, scroll to the top of the disciplines (or, on iOS, tap the top of the screen to jump up, but many users don't know about this), and then look through the recents.

It would be faster if there were a history button right on the drawing viewer. This would require less taps than it does today. I do like the recents section on the drawings list but I think we should have both that and this new history button on the drawing viewer.

Changes to make room for this.

Since the sheet # & name often don't fit and get cut off in their current location, I think that this history button (and hopefully future buttons for layers & search) should be inline with the X (close) button and that the Sheet #, Drawing Set & Sheet name should move down. I've included a mockup of what I think makes sense.

Also, the Drawing Set should be immediately visible when you open each sheet. Users should not have to tap the "Current" button or zoom in to check what set they're viewing.

And, now that swiping left & right is possible, I don't think you need to back/forward buttons. Most users have experience with other platforms and expect to be able to swipe left/right to go back/forward. It would be ideal if you could also add swiping up/down to change versions.

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