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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

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All ideas

Showing 2302

Renaming a Project - Trimble Connect

Currently, if you rename a project it does not alter the project name in Trimble Connect which could lead to misuse of a Trimble Connect project. When renaming a project please allow for the Trimble Connects project name to auto-update.
Henrick Malpica over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Project Directory 2

Subcontract Change Orders should number automatically per each SUBCONTRACT, not linearly per ALL Subcontracts

Currently, when adding a Sub CO the auto numbering treats all Sub COs for the project in order. For example, the 5th Sub CO on a project gets the number (5), but it might be the 1st CO for that particular sub (so it should be CO1 for that Sub). Ev...
Shane Abernathy 5 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0
153 VOTE

Add ability to allow users to adjust their notification preferences per project.

Users needs the ability to set their notification preferences on a project basis. They want to be able to control preferences per project rather than blanket settings over all projects. For example, a Company Admin doesn't need to get every email ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Notifications 2 Likely to implement

Create the ability to sort punch items by contractor in the app

As a gc it would be convenient/helpful and more productive to allow my superintendents to filter/sort punch items by the responsible contractor. This would allow them to pull up all of a particular companies items and verify punch list completion....
Doug Nale 10 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 1 Future consideration

ProjectSight Audit Reporting

In the portfolio settings under Administration, the "Companies" and "Users" are greyed out. We would like to be able to run audit reports on our users. We would like to be able to see what jobs they are assigned to, what modules the user has used ...
Melissa Moore 10 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 1

Daily Reports - Add Labor + Add Worker (add a dropdown list) "currently the worker name has be put in manually"

It would be useful to increase work flow for our site supervisors. Currently our site supervisor has to copy and paste each name from the pervious day. I would like to see the ADD LABOR WINDOW AS SHOWN: Company* (good) Crew* = Site Supervisors Nam...
Guest 6 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Daily Reports 0

Dark Mode

Please add Dark Mode to the web app.
Michael Handlmaier 15 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Navigation / UI 0

Create role that would grant access to all projects within a portfolio without admin permissions.

We receive multiple requests from users requesting that they are added to all projects within a portfolio. These users are not admins, so the Portfolio Admin role will not suffice to fulfill this request. This requires us to manually add several u...
Daniel Maurer 3 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Security Roles 0

Allow multiple Daily Reports for same day

We have projects that require 2 foremen sometimes on different buildings. We need both of them to be able to submit a daily report for the same day.
Nancy Burriss 10 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 5

Add Punch Item Status on Drawings like Web Version.

On the web application, you can view the punch item status through a grey, orange, yellow, green on red marker. We need this for the mobile version as the field can check what punch items need to be addressed.
Guest 3 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 0