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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

This portal is for suggesting enhancements only. If you are experiencing a product defect, please contact support.


All ideas

Showing 2298

Create a Schedule Tool to import the Master Project Schedule

Create a Schedule Tool to import the Master Project Schedule from files such as Primavera, or Microsoft Project. This was a very helpful tool we utilized a lot when we were with Procore. This allows for better coordination with Trade partners. We ...
Josh Bruce 4 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Workflow 1
178 VOTE

Portfolio Level Checklist Templates - A MUST

Currently checklist templates can only be managed at a project level. What if 30 new checklist templates are added to the template project after 50 projects have already been created. All of these jobs need the new checklists. Now someone has to g...
Hunter Dickerson over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Field Management / Settings & Administration 12

Zoom in/out while capturing photos

Provide a zoom feature inside the app while taking pictures. This will allow the user to better capture close up details, or zoom out to see the whole product, site, or part. To do this currently I have to exit the app take a picture with a phone ...
Guest about 1 month ago in PS Mobile Apps 1 Already exists
178 VOTE

Add photos tab to mobile app

Being able to add photos directly from app would be more efficient than using one of the other documents.
Guest over 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / Photos 32 Likely to implement

Add Custom Field to Submittal Tracking Tab

The ability to add a custom field to the tracking tab, specifically add a "Date Released" field to allow tracking of formal release for production of large equipment
Courtney Foster 8 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Custom Fields 0

Please allow someone the ability to unlock a daily from the mobile app.

This would allow someone to mofify a daily from the field if they do not have access to a desktop.
Guest about 1 month ago in PS Mobile Apps / Daily Reports 0

Search for Files in the File Library

We have an extensive folder structure in the File Library and would like to be able to easily search for files or folder names (including subfolders).
Fady Sobhy 3 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 1

Option to Import/Export Meeting Minutes

There should be an option to Import/Export Meeting Minutes
jamie Conrad 23 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Import/Export 0
140 VOTE

Please add Submittal packages into project sight app

We use submittal packages for all product data and shop drawings and would like contractors to view packages and not register on behalf of project submital distribution and tracking
Guest almost 2 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Submittals 3 Likely to implement

Update purchase-order "invoiced amount" with ERP invoice data.

Currently the "invoiced amount" on purchase orders only shows information if invoices are written through ProjectSight. With the Vista/Spectrum integration it would be nice to see this information update with the invoiced amounts from the ERP system.
Allen Sharar 21 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0