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Record Management

Showing 37

Add business days to RFI/Submittal Review Time

We regularly have documentation submitted for review on a Friday and do not want the weekend factored in as part of the review time. We use 2 days as an industry standard for RFI turnarounds. If those RFIs are uploaded on Friday they are already o...
Guest about 2 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Retrieve Deleted Records

With the trashcan button located next to all of the other buttons in the top right, it is easy to accidentally click it. Then even though it prompts you, if you click ok the record is gone forever. It can be disheartening to tell my users they nee...
Byron Grimm over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 5 Likely to implement

Custom Cover Pages

We would like to be able to upload custom cover pages in the Submittals and RFI modules, like you can do in Viewpoint Team.
Aaron Deister 7 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Include in Emails and Reports' Default Setting

Currently there is no option on the portfolio or project level to set the default value for the 'Include in Emails and Reports' check box and it is currently set to include. When printing a record to pdf it is virtually impossible to exclude all n...
Michael Handlmaier almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Substitution Request Module

Some projects have requirements for "Substitution Request" which may not be made via RFI or Submittal per specifications. We would like to have a "Substitution Request" module within Document control that can house these requests and have the abil...
Guest almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Adobe Sign Integration

We would like to have the ability to use Adobe Sign for signatures within ProjectSight.
Ricci Stevens over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 2

Everyone can delete drafts

Regardless of portfolio settings for being able to remove record types, everyone able to create a draft should be able to delete the draft before it is publicly shown. Otherwise, what is the point of having drafts?
Guest 3 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Calendar style timeline to compile information

It would be very beneficial to have Calendar style Timeline that will reflect history of completed actions, transmittals, daily reports, and an additional section to put in notes. This would act as a tracker of completion history, for any given pr...
Matthew Votoupal over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

RFI & Issue Impact Nomenclature

It would be useful to have access to change the nomenclature of the Impact Tab from 'Not Sure' to 'TBD'. This field is currently not available to be changed and we are finding from our Trade clients that all RFIs and Issues are TBD pending the res...
Ricci Stevens over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 1

Meeting Minutes text box cleared

Meeting Minutes text box cleared of the previous meeting’s notes when the Follow-Up meeting is created
mark Lindley 12 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0