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Budget & Cost Management

Showing 289

Link Spec Sections from Subcontracts to Subcontract Change Orders

If we are adding Spec Sections to our Contracts (Subcontracts) to track our costs, when creating SubCOs, there is no Spec Section so we can only get Original vs Current by Spec. We need to see changes by Spec.
Mercedes Green about 1 month ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Add option to sort PCOs numerically

The Number in Potential Change Orders (PCOs) currently treats the numbers as letters and sorts alphabetically. It would be beneficial to sort numerically. Drawings has the sort options to sort either way for numbers. In the attached picture from D...
Tonya Overstreet almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Prime Contract Change Order - Void Amount when status is set to Rejected

Currently the status of a Prime Contract Change Order has no connection to the amount of the PCCO. So if the status is marked as Rejected but the PCOs are not removed, the CO amount will still affect the Revised Contract Total. It would be great i...
Hunter Dickerson over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Message and Response from Subcontractors (RFQ from PCO)

ProjectSight needs a front-end to PCOs to allow us to collaborate with subcontractors about potential changes that may impact their costs or timing. A common use case is Construction Bulletins. We need to send a message to any subs that may be imp...
Eric Elfner over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 1

Contract Invoices - No Delete Capabilities

We must be able to prevent users from deleting line items from a Contract Invoice when they do not have deletion rights. Currently, in ProjectSight, a user with no delete rights can delete a change order from their contract invoice (negative or po...
Ricci Stevens about 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Contract Line Item Consistency

Currently if we add any lines to a contract or change orders to a contract in the Budget and Cost Module the line items create a new list at the bottom of the Schedule of Values [SOV] for that contract. With this any increases to an existing line ...
Carrie Gilbert 12 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Add capabilities to Cost Forecast including Copy and Refresh Actual Cost to Date

Right now, a cost forecast has to be recreated every time you want to do a new forecast. Also, if any supporting documents, like General Invoices or Contract Invoices were not added prior to the creation of the forecast and need to be reflected in...
Julie Adler over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 1 Future consideration

Add PCO Item Filters.

Currently there is no way to sort the PCO list to include only PCOs that have items for a specific company. This would be helpful in being able to produce reports and view data for a specific company rather than having to go through each PCO to tr...
Guest over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0 Future consideration

Enable PCO Default Markups to be rounded to the 10,000ths.

Currently the PCO Default Markups rounds to 2 digits. It would be helpful to round out to the 10,000ths. Client needs a PCO Markup of .0005% for large Change orders. This is further than the existing idea to round to the 1,000ths.
William Atchison almost 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0 Future consideration

Export Potential Change Orders to a log by contract number

The Contracts module currently summarizes each Potential Change Order open for every contract. The ability to export this log to a PDF or spreadsheet would enhance efficiency by eliminating the need for manual entry into a log separate each time a...
Chris Gressett about 2 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0