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New RFI directly to Full-form

Enhancement description:
Give users an option to start a new RFI directly in the full-form view.

What are we trying to accomplish?
Most of the time, we have questions that require more space than the panel form gives us and we need to fill out fields that aren't shown in the panel form. In those cases, we have to start an RFI in the panel and then open the full form after saving it. It would be easier is users could just start direct in the full-form.

How is the lack of functionality affecting the business?
It takes extra clicks to accomplish the same task. Slows users down.

Suggested implementation:

Make an option to ctrl+click the + button to add a new RFI. Instead of opening in the panel form, it would open in the full-form.

From related idea:

Client would like records to open to full view if selected from the record list on the first double click. Client's need to currently first select the row which brings up the Information panel for the specific record. Next, double clicking the record row is required to open in full view. This is a repetitive user interface requirement that users are tired of doing.

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