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Status Shipped
Workspace PS Mobile Apps
Categories Punch
Created by Ricci Stevens
Created on Oct 11, 2021

Record Auto Sync

Users would like to have the ability to have the records auto-sync not just the files and attachments. Specifically the Punch Items at this point in time.

  • Attach files
  • Mercedes Green
    May 17, 2023

    There should be no situation where a user enters a new record and that new record does not auto-upload. You are now putting your entire construction schedule for certain things in the hands of field users making sure they swipe down before they close the app. We only use Android and new records never auto-upload.

  • Jill Zizzo
    Apr 13, 2023

    Everything needs to auto sync. Checklists, etc all should be sent to the office on a normal schedule vs on demand.