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Showing 2222

Daily Report Search Function

In the Daily Reports when you search keyword from the main summary screen it will search items within the titles, in the record and details and even in the labor details. It doesn't appear to include the location. It would be extremely helpful if ...
Jessica Ream 28 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0

Add a photo tool that doesnt require you to be in another tool

Procore has a photo tool that does just that. Photos. You can add notes if necessary and draw on them. But you don't need to go through all the other steps of the other modules. Many times the team just wants to log pictures. It just takes and log...
Robert Brown 4 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Photos 2 Likely to implement

Portfolio Setting for Drawing Default View to be Current Drawings

The latest update (10/22/24) made it so ALL drawings including revision sheets are shown by default in the drawings module. This is very confusing to our users when they see the same plan sheet 5 times and can't quickly determine which sheet is th...
Sarah Maxwell about 2 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 2 Planned

resize/or hide until selected the text box for a linked Punch Item

Text box for a linked Punch list item placed on blueprints overlap, resizing or hiding until selected would make the blueprints less crowded and reduce the possibility of missing a punch item covered up by another one.
mark Lindley 6 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 1

Add a Save button in Cost Periods

The only way to save any changes is to click any of the selection in the left nagivation pane. Having a save button will streamline creating new cost periods.
Trimble ProX Team 8 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Portfolios 0

Ability to Set up Default Project Dashboards for each user

would like to be able to set up default dash board views for users so that when they go into a project it just shows them the relevant info for them with out them having to set up there view on every job individually.
Joshua Kwasney about 1 month ago in PS Web App & Platform / Project Home Page / Dashboard 0
116 VOTE

Microsoft Office Application Integration

Build-in integration with the desktop version of MS Office within Trimble Connect so multiple users can make edits to a live MSFT Document without needing to sync manually.
Nick Weilemann over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Integrations 0 Planned

Numbering for Daily Report notes

We'd love the ability to have auto numbering for each individual note added to a Daily Report. In our portfolios, we have changed the nomenclature to "Site Observations" and each observation is a unique note under a day's observations. The number ...
James Vandezande 16 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0

Submittal workflow

The submittal module in its current configuration is difficult to navigate when it come to the workflow of a submittal. There needs to be clear roles that can be assigned to "submitters, reviewers & approvers" just like Viewpoint Team. Please ...
Jeremy Hairrell 9 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Workflow 2

Once an assignment is marked as done should be able to add that same contact under cc: so they continue to receive notifications when comments or status changes

This would be useful because we want to keep the original completed date of the actual assignment showing, which when marked as done notifications stop, but sometimes we want the original assignee to get notifications of future comments and status...
Shelly Klarner 17 days ago in PS Web App & Platform / Assignments & Courtesy Copies 0