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All ideas

Showing 2302

Export Potential Change Orders to a log by contract number

The Contracts module currently summarizes each Potential Change Order open for every contract. The ability to export this log to a PDF or spreadsheet would enhance efficiency by eliminating the need for manual entry into a log separate each time a...
Chris Gressett about 2 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Project Status - End Notifications When Job is Moved to Closed

We need the ability to restrict automated notifications from being sent out once a project status is moved to closed. In additional we need the ability to lock a project when it is moved to a certain status (Archiving).
Hunter Dickerson over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Project Archive / Turnover 1

Written signature support for checklists on web

The Problem Currently right now when adding the signature module to a checklist it requires you to utilize the mobile app in order to write in your signature. The only way around this is by adding a field where someone can type in the name/date. H...
James Alvis over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Field Management 0

Submittal Package - Submittal Register Search - Add location

We are requesting that a column for the location field be added to the add submittal register search function with submittal package. This would be helpful because many times you have submittal register items that are the same but for different lo...
Jessica Ream over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Download Files from File Library

Need the ability to select a top level folder and download all files in that folder and any sub-folders under that folder so one doesn't have to open each individual folder, select all of the files and download; then go to the next folder and repe...
Dwain Wood almost 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 1

Allow MP4's or MOV's to be uploaded in the photos Module

Being able to house/save drone footage and other video formats to the photos module makes ideal sense. It will help all users of the photos module. It will work well for documenting training, existing conditions, etc.
Doug Nale over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Photo Management 1 Future consideration

Please Split Contracts and Subcontracts into Separate Records

Currently Subcontracts and Prime Contracts are in the same module. These types of contracts have very different requirements since one is dealt with by Owners and is Revenue and the other by Trades and are costs. They share the same sharing permis...
Mercedes Green 5 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Security Role that has access to all projects ?

Would it be possible to edit/create a secutity role which automatically has access to all existing and newly created projects? Portfolio Administrator already has this feature but we are looking for the same project access but with a less powerful...
Todd Miknus 12 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Security Roles 0

Identify Project Manager

The Project Team module in the app doesn't have roles. We have a lot of people on the project team. It is difficult for the field to identify the Project Manager or anyone else.
Nancy Burriss 7 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Other 0

Add a scan option for documents instead of just photos

When adding records to any records, you can add links to drawings, photos/videos, take photos, or upload files. Can you add a feature like most clould apps where you can scan a document in so it autodetects the edges and makes the document more re...
Jeff Nardoni over 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / General 1 Likely to implement