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PS Mobile Apps

Showing 203

Create Record from Checklist

When working in Checklists on the mobile app we would like to be able to create a record from the checklist item. Typically it would be an Action Item or Notice to Comply item. This is available on the web version but not on the Mobile app.
Guest about 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / Checklist 2 Future consideration

Photo Description

We want our foreman and superintendents to be able to easily write notes by each picture. We have to create a comment, add the picture, click add, go back to the main screen and go back through the process for each picture. It would be nice to red...
Nancy Burriss about 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / Photos 5 Future consideration

Ability to view and edit Microsoft Office files from Projectsight Mobile

Ability to view and edit Microsoft Office files from Projectsight Mobile. Currently, it does not support it.
Trimble ProX Team 3 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / File Library 0


It would be great to have an option for notifications. If like to receive a notification if someone assign me to an issue
Guest 14 days ago in PS Mobile Apps / Issues 0

Push Notifications

Push notifications on the mobile app would be huge for companies that have 50+ projects set up. It's almost impossible to tell when someone has immediately responded without being forced to leave the app and check email.
Kelly Rasmussen 10 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / User Experience 1 Future consideration

Print feature should be available on Phone and iPad.

Our field guys need to send a pdf report out of the daily report, and currently, the only way to generate reports is on the laptop. All of them prefer to use the iPad or Phone because of the ability to add photos to the report by using the camera....
Guest almost 2 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / iPad 3 Future consideration

Projectsight Mobile for phone needs to have the RFI labels for Drawings links just like in the web.

Our Drawing annotations and links need to mimic the website's view. Currently the Mobile 2 does not have the labels like there is in the website. You have to click each one to find the correct RFI or link you want. Not very handy.
William Atchison almost 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 3 Likely to implement

Create the ability to sort punch items by contractor in the app

As a gc it would be convenient/helpful and more productive to allow my superintendents to filter/sort punch items by the responsible contractor. This would allow them to pull up all of a particular companies items and verify punch list completion....
Doug Nale 10 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 1 Future consideration

Daily Reports - Add Labor + Add Worker (add a dropdown list) "currently the worker name has be put in manually"

It would be useful to increase work flow for our site supervisors. Currently our site supervisor has to copy and paste each name from the pervious day. I would like to see the ADD LABOR WINDOW AS SHOWN: Company* (good) Crew* = Site Supervisors Nam...
Guest 6 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Daily Reports 0

Add Punch Item Status on Drawings like Web Version.

On the web application, you can view the punch item status through a grey, orange, yellow, green on red marker. We need this for the mobile version as the field can check what punch items need to be addressed.
Guest 3 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 0