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PS Mobile Apps

Showing 203

Add feature in ipad app to hyperlink the address of the project in project details to a map.

This feature exists in the Web version.
Trimble ProX Team almost 5 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / iPad 0 Future consideration

Automatically Hide Closed (Locked) Punch Item Pins on the Drawings

Enhancement description: Automatically hide pins for closed(locked) punch items on the drawings. What are we trying to accomplish? * Easily see only open punch items from the drawings.* Improve general drawing navigation by showing a less cluttere...
Brendan Radich about 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 0 Future consideration

Drawings - Better Labeling

Currently the "version" is what is bolded. Can we use another term like the Drawing Name. For example: permit, bulletin 1, bulletin 2 etc.? Visually that might be more appealing and easier to identify which sheet is or has been updated.
Hunter Dickerson over 2 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 0 Future consideration

Drawing annotation Indicator

From the drawing list (thumbnail or grid) you should be able to tell with a glance if there is an annotation on a drawing, and whether it is public or private. There should be some sort of simple indicator that turns on if the annotation exists.
Pasi Nurminen over 2 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 0 Likely to implement

Project Details on Mobile

We need the ability to see basic project details on the mobile app such as the jobsite location.
Hunter Dickerson over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / General 0 Future consideration

Default Preferred Download Settings

I would like to see some sort of project download setting defaults. Hitting the download button would give users the option to download 100% of the files or pick from administrator created defaults or simple common options. A lot of users have dev...
Brendan Radich over 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Company and role on assignment selection

The assignment & cc selection list should also display the company name or allow filtering/sorting by company, first/last name & title. The selection screen should look exactly like the Project Directory view from PS Mobile.
Guest over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 0 Future consideration

Mobile - quick annotation buttons should describe the process to be initiated

When viewing a drawing and wanting to add an issue or punch list item etc. the link icon and subsequent rollout menu should be able to give you some type of title or rollover bubble notification so the users know what each icon means, issues vs. p...
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Mobile Apps 0 Future consideration

Add the option to still use the old version of the iPad app when a new version has been published in app store.

Users using the iPad App in the field may have several days of data that has not been Synced when a new version is published. Allowing those users to be able to sync with the old app or even finish what they are doing before being forced to upgrad...
Trimble ProX Team almost 6 years ago in PS Mobile Apps 0 Future consideration

Share Drawings with Annotations

You can turn annotations on and off in drawings and share a drawing, but the annotations are never shared on the drawing. If annotations are on, can they be sent with the drawings? And if annotations are disabled, then only the drawing gets sent?
Guest 12 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 0 Future consideration