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PS Web App & Platform

Showing 2034

Checklist: Add images to the Checklist Templates for reference.

Add images to the Checklist Templates for reference. (hub, nacelle, 10%, etc) so inspector can easily reference the area he's inspecting and have key information at his/her fingertips.
Hunter Dickerson almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Field Management 0

Add a nomenclature option for RFI impact button labels (Yes, No, Not Sure).

Client would like to be able to modify the labels on the RFI impact buttons for their business.
Guest over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform 0

Project Details - Trade Version

The 'Owner' title shows up on the Nomenclature Tab for Projects but changing it to General Contractor in Record Settings does not actually change it on the form or the banner. With more and more trades using ProjectSight having the ability for thi...
Ricci Stevens over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Ability to Remove One's Self From a Portfolio or Project

A user may be added to a portfolio or project by accident or temporarily, and then the Admin may neglect to remove them. A user should be able to remove themselves from a portfolio or project so they can focus on the projects they are actively inv...
Trimble ProX Team over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Portfolios 0

Keyboard Shortcuts - Drawing Viewer

Currently, there are various keyboard shortcuts such as R-rectangle, L-line, and C-callout to create annotations in the drawing or specification viewer. Can you add an option to customize or list out all of the available keyboard shortcuts?
Henrick Malpica over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Add Financial Summary to Contract Record

Right now, you have to go to 3 different places to see full SOV including CO for a contract and see how much has been paid against the contract and each line. Can we add a tab in the contract record that shows a full financial summary including a ...
Katy Rodina over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Allow record number to be changed by Admin if record is not in complete status

If a record (GI, CI, Contract, PO) is not in a completed state, allow the system admin(s) to edit the record number. If the user has a typo in this field, the admin is required to delete the record and start over. If the record has just been creat...
Katy Rodina over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Maintain Thumbnail Page Label Naming

If a PDF has its page labels (thumbnails) named instead of the default numbers, don't strip them off in the PDF viewer. They are part of the ISO PDF standard and should be maintained for ease in navigation.
Dwain Wood over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 0

Immediate Notifications for RFI and Submittal Comments

The fact that it takes 30 minutes for email notifications to go out for added comments on RFI's and Submittals is causing chaos on our projects. These notifications should be immediate, please fix this ASAP.
Gabriel Martins over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Make System Generated Folders in File Library a Different Color

Make system generated folders in file library a different color to make them easy to see the difference from User created folders.
Dwain Wood over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 0