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All ideas

Showing 349

User-defined Memo Field Size in Form

Please have the UDF Memo field span the entire width of the additional info tab and provide scroll bar.
Michael Handlmaier over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / User Experience 2 Future consideration

Customizable Default Markup Settings

Currently, the default setting for adding markups to drawings (i.e. a cloud) is maroon red, line weight 1 and a maroon fill. I understand that after modifying these settings once in a session, they continue to populate subsequent markups within th...
Guest about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 1 Future consideration

Filter or Select Projects that show on Mobile App Main Screen & Option to have Favorite Projects (Currently Closed Projects Still Show On Main Screen)

The white app main screen should allow you to filter, sort or select the projects that you want to see and download. I have multiple projects assigned to me and I am also a project admin, so I see all our company projects. I would like to turn off...
Jeff Young almost 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Checklist Assignments

I know you can assign individual checklist items, but I think user should also be able to assign the entire checklist to a user.
Brendan Radich almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Assignments & Courtesy Copies 0 Future consideration

Form builder / form creation

People would like to build their own forms especially when it comes to bigger projects. Logs, which are not typical on every project. Letter log, survey log... etc. Request was heard from Manhattan, Dragados, Flatiron.
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Forms 1 Future consideration

Allow Punch Items to be re-opened

When we're on the field, it's not very practical to have to carry a laptop to make a change in an item or to leave a comment in a closed item,
Guest over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 0 Future consideration

Allow the "Location" search tab in DRAWINGS to have multiple designations.

The User should be able to set multiple "Location" designations to a drawing. The User can then search a group of drawings based on his determined area. This could work great for Riser diagrams, mechanical system, waterproofing/roofing details, et...
Guest over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0 Future consideration

Add companies on the fly in mobile apps, daily reports

In daily reports in the mobile app, it would be helpful to be able to add a company on the fly, instead of having to go back to the browser app to add company then back to daily to enter info regarding said company. Maybe a dup alert to avoid junk...
Guest over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / iPad 0 Future consideration

Add Budget Fields as Dashboard widget options

For stakeholders needing to see financial status of projects, a dashboard view of i.e. budget vs. projected budget will allow quick visibility into the health of their projects. Ideally, the dashboard would be adjustable so each budget column is a...
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0 Future consideration

Report Formatting - Larger Thumbnails of Linked Files

Please see attached comparison of ProjectSight report with Plangrid. Client sees value in ProjectSight and Connect but would like the thumbnails to linked files improved per the attached. Comment is "the thumbnails are too small and not an enlarge...
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Reports 1 Future consideration