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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

This portal is for suggesting enhancements only. If you are experiencing a product defect, please contact support.



Showing 32

Change text size of links to drawings

The text size (RFIs specifically as they add up quickly) is way too big and covers up a large portion of the drawing. Having a way to change the text style and size would be great. Going a step further, having a way to link multiple RFIs to a clou...
Stefan Stojanovic 9 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

ProjectSight - Record Linking

It would be helpful if the Links function in the admin settings had more options other than just Create, Delete, Modify and View. There are several situations where you will want individual to be able to create, modify and view links on records su...
Jessica Ream 10 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Opening Linked Files with Office 365 without navigating to Trimble Connect

Currently, when the Trimble Connect FMS is activated, any files linked to a record cannot open in office 365. Please allow the ability to open the file in office 365 without having to navigate to the file library for that record
Henrick Malpica over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Cloud with Comment Box for Linking Files

Similar to how the RFI link works with the cloud and RFI number box, could there be a link option to have a cloud with a comment/text box, which can be used to link misc. documents, pictures, or files?
Tayler Ledesma over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Allow User to ignore file size limit for attachments in emails from ProjectSight

Currently there is a 10mb file size limit when sending an email with attachments. It would be great if the system allowed users to ignore this limit and send bigger files as attachments anyway.
Hunter Dickerson over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Drag and Dropping Outlook Emails to 'Upload'

When you drag and drop an email as a file into 'Upload File' feature it removes it from Outlook Inbox/Files (goes to the trash). Is there a way to get this to be a copy of the email rather than removing it from Outlook?
Carrie Gilbert about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Option to Delete from File Library when Deleting Link

When removing a linked file from a record, we would like the option to also delete the file from the File Library. A simple checkbox on a confirmation dialog that says something like, "Also Delete File From File Library" would be great. Workflow w...
Brendan Radich almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Pop-up issue for downloading items

I have run into several contractors whose organization prohibits disabling the pop-up blocker on their web browsers. These contractors are unable to download any items (in my case I need them to edit and re-upload drawings for a submittal) so I ha...
Guest 7 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Links panel does not display file names beyond about 10 characters.

Links panel does not display file names beyond about 10 character when hovering over the truncated filename, full name is not displayed? User is given an option to 'Rename' file but this would be really hard if they are using a naming convention f...
Michael Handlmaier almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0

Improve ability to mark up PDF's that were uploaded

After uploading a PDF file, the ability to mark up the document is severely limited. I linked an uploaded PDF file to an issue to call out some discrepancy's in the specs, and though I was allowed to make mark ups on the document, it did not retai...
Dan Ferris over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Links 0