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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

This portal is for suggesting enhancements only. If you are experiencing a product defect, please contact support.



Showing 247

Sending a drawing page with markups

There seems to be an issue with emailing a drawing with published markups on them, when printing or emailing the markups disappear. Is there a way to make sure when the drawing page or pages are emailed the markups remain with the drawing? This is...
Jack Bowen 10 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Drawing Duplicate Status Flexibility

I want increased function and flexibilty to assigning which drawings are labeled as "Duplicates;" thus controlling which drawings actually get published. I have a case where I uploaded drawing revisions that came in between drawing releases. The f...
Luke Koenig 4 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Undo Button for take Offs

I've found sometimes when doing take-offs you can make mistakes. Some of the other programs I've worked with such as Blue Beam/Pro Core allowed us to undo lines/mistakes with a simple "undo" or "back" button.
Guest 4 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

It would be beneficial to be able to combine or link mark-ups to a single mark up.

The idea is to be able to connect a note with a cloud as a single entity, versus individual annotation.
Drew Polahar almost 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Drawing Markups - more visible changes

REQUEST: Enhance drawing markup tools to truly create workable as-builts. CURRENT: we are essentially just pinning things to drawings, and can't really see what the drawing should look like without clicking on all of the links. If we could embed p...
Byron Grimm over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0 Likely to implement

Upload to Drawing Sets by Filename with Underscore as Separator

When the sheet numbers and titles aren't very clear and one has to use the upload by filename option, need the ability to choose a different separator instead of the default dash - . Something like the underscore _ or even a choice of a character....
Dwain Wood over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Allow for "Location" to be editable in Excel

When you are in the Drawing Set Module, once you export to excel, you should be able to update/edit the "location" fields This is very help if you have jobs with multiple buildings, sectors, etc.
Guest almost 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 1 Future consideration

Drawing Compression

As Support has been made aware of this week via our team members, ProjectSight's lack of compression of files uploaded into the drawings module can lead to a severe drop in performance in drawings. We had a project where the drawings provided to u...
Brendan Radich over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Drawings - Triangle Markup Option

Currently you have to use the custom shape tool to create a triangle markup. It would be great if there was a triangle markup tool by default.
Hunter Dickerson over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 1

Allow filtering by Drawing Type

Currently, you can add additional drawing types, but they don't serve a purpose as you can't actually sort or filter drawings by type. It would be nice to be able to filter drawings by the types you've added. As of now, there is: * No column to ad...
Peter Baez almost 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0 Future consideration