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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

This portal is for suggesting enhancements only. If you are experiencing a product defect, please contact support.


All ideas

Showing 35

iPad - add the ability to add multiple images to the same markup annotations

When adding an image on the ipad to a drawing markup I want the ability to add more than one image to the markup.
Guest almost 5 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / iPad 0 Planned

Open Email Notification Links in the iPad App instead of Web Browser

Enhancement description: Today, when a user receives an email notification from ProjectSight (for an RFI for example) on their iPad, clicking the link to open the record opens the web browser which fails to display attachments properly because mob...
Brendan Radich over 5 years ago in PS Mobile Apps 1 Planned

Projectsight Invitation Email

When a user is invited to a project via email, the user is directed to a sign-in page. Upon entering the email address, the system should check if they have an existing Trimble ID account. If such account does not exist, the user should get a warn...
Trimble ProX Team over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Sign In (Trimble Identity) 0 Planned

Add version Control for uploaded files linked to records other than drawings.

Currently a one would have to keep uploading updated files to thier record and rename them (1), (2)... Versioning is needed to efficiently keep track up changes to uploades without storing multiple copies of a file.
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 0 Planned

PO integration with Spectrum-Allow both ways

We are using a Trimble partner, Kojo for our purchasing and inventory system. The Projectsight integration for PO's appears to only work from Projectsight to Spectrum. This will not work for us. Allow it to go both ways or have a setup choice to a...
Nancy Burriss over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Integrations 0 Planned

Basically Perform a Global Search on Published Specifications

I was very surprised that this was not already included. Part of the reason to digitize the specifications on a project is to have the ability to search for a word or phrase in the specifications. ProjectSight Support told me no and to submit this...
Dwain Wood over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Specifications 0 Planned

Allow multiple PCO Default Markups per level

Often times we have contracts where there are default markups that are split into separate line items, however they are on the same "Level" as defined in the software. We may have multiple types of insurance that need to be accounted for at differ...
Guest almost 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 4 Planned

Need security option for Settings. Specifically the ability to uncheck/unlock Portfolio Inherited settings in a project.

The client needs the ability to secure the Portfolio inherited checkbox in Project Settings. They need to have some Security Roles have access part of the Settings (companies, contacts, etc), but they do not want these same roles to be able to unc...
William Atchison over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0 Planned

Contract/SCO XSD Request

We need an XSD file that shows the Schedule of Values fields for a Contract and all Change Orders. (Item Number, Budget Code, Value, Contract Number, SCO Number, Invoiced Amount). Similar to what is found in the Contract Invoice Items but availabl...
Ricci Stevens about 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Reports 1 Planned

Search then automatically highlight searched term in Specifications

The highlight feature in the specification publishing process is great but it could be made even better by allowing users to search for a term and then automatically highlight every instance of that term as an annotation. This process should allow...
Brendan Radich over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Specifications 0 Planned