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Created by Mercedes Green
Created on Mar 30, 2023

We need Revenues from Contract Items (Revenue Codes) to show on Budget Screen

Currently we enter our revenues as Contract Items on a Prime Contract to the client which are linked to a Revenue Code which then links it to a Budget Code. Since we use Vista these are all brought in from Vista and we bill to the client in Vista.

Since we budget our costs, compare to actual costs, committed costs, we'd like to see the revenue amounts per Budget Code since those values are already in ProjectSight. For some reason if we toggle on the committing checkbox for Prime Contract it removes the Revenue Code, so I'm not sure what the purpose of the Revenue Code really is and why it shows in the Budget screen if not meant to show these SOVs (revenue amounts) in the Budget screen.

Beneficial would also have a Orig Revenue (Prime Contract), Rev Revisions (Prime Contract Change Orders), Current Revenue (Prime + COs) then a customizable profit column that we can choose which total budget/cost to compare to the revenues.

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