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Categories Security Roles
Created by Brendan Radich
Created on Aug 29, 2019

Internal or External Designation for Security Roles

Enhancement description:

Designate security roles as internal or external. Only portfolio admins would be able to assign internal security roles and every internal member below portfolio admin can only assign security roles designated as external.

What are we trying to accomplish?

Allow project members to add users to their projects, but limit the risk of giving those users more permissions than we want to allow.

How is the lack of functionality affecting the business?

WIthout this, we have increased likelihood that an external user could be given access to information we never want them to be able to see.

Suggested implementation:

Add a simple checkbox to the main page of the security role configuration that says "Internal Security Role". Those roles checked as internal will not show up for assignment of new users, for anyone but the Portfolio Administrator.

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