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PS Web App & Platform

Showing 2099

Initial Submittal Toggle

When submitting a submittal create an option to have a separate initial submission box or provide a toggle to turn on "initial submission", as reviewed documents are ready to be uploaded create an additional toggle to be selected when re-uploading.
Nick Weilemann over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Add Lead Time Ad-Hoc Filter

Allow ability to create an ad-hoc report filter that is tied to lead times associated with material/submittal procurement.
Nick Weilemann over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Reports 0

Renaming Documents in TC Migrated Projects

Need the ability to rename Contract documents in TC migrated projects vs. non-TC migrated projects. For companies that utilize the renaming function frequently it has been noted that you cannot rename contract documents that have been migrated to TC.
Nick Weilemann over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0 Likely to implement

Region/Project Info

Our Project is made up of a Master Contract with the ownere and individual Work Authorizations. Our Subcontractors receive individual contracts under a Msater project for a multitude of child projects. Typically our Subcontractors have a single in...
Guest over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Companies & Contacts 0

Automatic Weather Setup Postal Codes for Mexico

Postal Codes and weather stations only work for the U.S. Please add in weather for Mexico.
Henrick Malpica over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0

Security Role Record Access Filtered by Lookup

Enhancement Description: Add the option to limit access to records within each record type. What are we trying to accomplish? At the security roles setup, we would like to be able to filter records by a selection of lookups so that users with said...
Brendan Radich over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Security Roles 0

Add Author Company field to Submittal Package Record and have the Responsible Company auto-populate whenever a submittal is created from a package

Similar to Prolog please provide a field to tag submittal packages with the author company information. You already included Author Package Number - one doesn't make sense without the other. The spec section, Type, Created On, Due Date, Importance...
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

System Required Field Indicator in Field Attributes

When looking at the (Portfolio Settings > Records Setting > (Record) >) Field Attributes for each record type, it would be great if there's another visual to indicate which fields are "system" required (vs. customer required). For example...
Guest over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0

Ability to download all Drawings but have them separate into multiple PDF files based on filter like the report.

If you download all the drawings then they download ungrouped. For example could we download all the drawings and like a report, group by discipline or whatever the grouping selected. The result would be multiple grouped PDFs in this case by Disci...
William Atchison over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Ability to group register views by "Open Assignment"

Need to have the ability to group records in the register views by "Open Assignment". All the columns available to display should be available as a grouping option.
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Views 0