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PS Web App & Platform

Showing 2031

Add a comment approval button for Submittal Packages.

Some clients do not want to have the Consultants and Architects submital approval on each individual submttal. They want to have them approve the Submittal Package. Currently no button is showing on comments for Submittal Packages. Please add this...
William Atchison over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Comments 0

Files in the file library should list which records they are linked to in a file property option.

When a client is deleting a file library file. They receive a message that the file is already linked to at least one record. If the client has linked this file to more than one record there is not place to confirm which records are linked. This p...
William Atchison over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / File Library 0

Would be good to have the ability to go back and edit buget transfers.

No description provided
Guest about 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Budget & Cost Management 0

Log that a transmittal was sent in the History Tab when you click "Send Transmittal"

In the Transmittal module when you click "Send Transmittal" the system does not track that it was sent in the History tab so you have no idea if it was actually sent or not. This is one of the only modules that does not have an Assigned To field b...
Jeff Miller over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Ability to Edit Company Name from Company Import Template

Currently, the company name field in the excel template is locked. It would be great if you could edit this field within excel. For example, if someone imports 1000 companies in all caps but wants to change it to proper case, they will have to edi...
Hunter Dickerson about 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Companies & Contacts 0

Allow UDFs to carry from module to module

It would be useful to create a UDF in a PCO record and have it carry forward to the change order/invoice. In the current state what is recorded in the PCO does not reflect on the change order causing the record to appear as incomplete.
Nick Weilemann over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Reports 0

Time Format

It would be great is the time fields would recognize that 1400 = 2:00 pm. Currently if you type in 14 only the 4 is recognized and it reads as 4:00 am instead of 2:00 pm.
Ricci Stevens about 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Add ability to remove yourself as a user from a project or portfolio

This would benefit support significantly for access to client projects and portfolios. Once a problem is resolved, access is no longer needed.
Guest almost 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0

set drawing scales for faster dimensions

When we upload drawings we should be able to either pick a scale, or OCR detect a scale. This scale should allow both the web viewer and the ipad viewer to quickly take dimensions in the field. This would be useful for all our field guys to quickl...
jake raulston over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Drawing Sets Filter in Drawings Module

The filter for Drawing Sets dropdown list in should match the list shown in the Drawing Sets module. Currently, it just puts them in alphanumeric order.
Dwain Wood over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0