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PS Mobile Apps

Showing 203

Open multiple drawings at the same time on the mobile app

Make it easier to have multiple PDF's (drawings) open at once, as it's hard to flip between drawings currently.
Guest over 4 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 0 Future consideration

Be able to add photo as a resolution to Action Items

Because there is no work around for editing pdfs or adding signatures, snapping a screenshot after a markup could be a resolution. Currently you can only add the file as an additional document but not as the resolution.
Jeff Nardoni over 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / Action Items 0

The Ability to Hide/minimize The Tool Bar on ALL Drawings via settings.

Our staff pointed out that they have to hide the tool bar for each drawing individually on the mobile application, They would preferer to see the entire drawing, the tool bar covers it up, there should be an option to hide the tool bar for all dra...
Jonathan Cote about 1 year ago in PS Mobile Apps / iPad 0

Sync photos from file library without having to re-sync entire project

It would be a good idea to add a File Library sync button so when you upload photos from an iPad or mobile device, you don't have to re-sync the entire project for the photos to be added to the file library.
Peter Baez almost 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / File Library 0 Future consideration

Need to have a sync app on my surface. Like on the IPAD.

I use my surface as a computer and tablet. I would like to be able to go to the site and use it without a connection. The same as we can do it on the IPAD.
Guest almost 5 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / User Experience 0 Will not implement

Swipe Left/Right to Move Between Records

For RFIs, Submittals, and Punch Items, it would be nice to be able to swipe between records after you open one to view the details. For example, I could sort my Punch Items list by location, open the first record and then quickly swipe through the...
Brendan Radich over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / User Experience 0 Future consideration

Gesture Navigation for Drawings

The swiping gesture is too sensitive in the project sight mobile app. When zooming in on a drawing and moving the screen around, it too easlily switches to the next sheet. Could we have arrows at the top of the page as the way to navigate between ...
Rob Meeh about 2 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 0 Planned

Checklist Completion percentage Slider Bar

Please add the ability to add a completion module to checklist by either a slider bar or drop down from 0-100% that can copy over from each check list. We create critical areas that need finished in check lists and need the ability for our workers...
jake raulston 5 months ago in PS Mobile Apps / Checklist 0

Add Cost Modules in the Mobile App

Add cost modules on the mobile app (at least start off as view only). I can do my banking on my phone, so I should be able to tweak project budgets or contracts from my mobile device.
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Mobile Apps 0 Future consideration

Punch Search

Users need the ability to have the search the entire record rather than just the header information.
Ricci Stevens over 3 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Punch 1 Future consideration