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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

Your feedback is an essential part of how we continually improve ProjectSight. You can use this page to submit new ideas, or vote on ideas from other users.

This portal is for suggesting enhancements only. If you are experiencing a product defect, please contact support.


Settings & Administration

Showing 94

Ability to change a lookup list to a fill-in field

Example: In Meeting Minutes, the Meeting "Topic" is a lookup list, client wants to be able to free-type in the meeting topic - they don't want or need to sort by this, they want the ability to turn off the dropdown. It could help to add the three ...
Guest almost 6 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0 Future consideration

Same Day Punch Review Time

Ability to Create and Assign a Punch Item for Review/Completion on the Same Date. When you set the Punch Item Review Time (days) to 0 it displays as Not Set
Guest about 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0

Project Record Settings - Ability to configure Field Attributes under Project Settings

As of now, you can only configure field attributes for Project record settings as the portfolio level. It would be great of you could configure these at the project level as well.
Hunter Dickerson almost 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0

Formatting Summary Screen

Need a way to format the summary screen for each record. For example, when grouping records, it would be good to have the ability to format the header color, boldness and font.
Guest about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 0