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Record Management

Showing 37

Record level field logic

It would be helpful for the proper upkeep of records to have the ability to incorporate business rules at the field level. To mind come the following options: 1. Submittals - when the comment option 'Mark as Approved Docs' is check to set a corres...
Michael Handlmaier over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Records started in a drawing should inherit the location of the drawing

If you start a record while in a drawing, such as a punch list item, the record should have its location pre-filled to match the drawing location. This would eliminate the extra step of entering the location again.
David Huse almost 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings / Record Management 0

Email records sent list

While the feature to email report records from PS is great, there is no method to see a list of sent email, similar to a sent folder in Outlook. Having a sent list of all reports, records, notifications sent from PS would allow us to confirm that ...
Jeremy Sibert about 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Add a sort option within a Meeting minute topic

In the current Meeting minutes it is possible to sort on column headers across the entire meeting record. We are looking for the ability to also sort within a particular meeting topic. Think about sorting on priority, action holder, status etc.
Patrick Schemkes almost 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Global Custom Fields

There are project specific fields that need to be carried over from one record to another, or information that needs to be seen in regards to that project or records that shares the same data ( for example: a Custom Field that is relevant in RFI's...
Jane Shulzhenko about 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Ability to delete multiple attachments on a record at once.

Currently you have to delete attachments one by one. Say for example a user put a number of pictures on a record and there were incorrectly put there. It would be nice to be able to select multiple files to delete at once. Single options are ineff...
William Atchison over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Contract/PO Numbers

Administrators need the ability to update a Contract or Purchase Order number if it is accidentally keyed incorrectly. Currently, the only fix is to copy the record with the correct number and then delete the original record. If you have external ...
Ricci Stevens over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Automated Backup Solution

We would like to see a backup solution to an external site in some form. While companies could build a custom solution to backup ProjectSight data using the API, I think there should be a simple GUI solution to backup to popular data storage platf...
Brendan Radich over 3 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Have ability to move the label generated when linking a record.

When linking an RFI or ASI to the drawings, a label is automatically generated. Often times that label blocks other information on the drawings. It would be nice to be able to move it out of the way. If the label could be moved from the cloud/box ...
Linnea Lavorico about 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0

Sub RFI # Field in RFIs

It would be helpful to have an extra field in the RFI module to be able to include a Sub RFI number (when applicable) so that we can filter/report for a single sub's RFIs only and easily reference the project RFI number to a sub RFI number.
Guest almost 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Record Management 0