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Photo Management

Showing 24

Mark ups/drawings on Photos

Ability to annotate/draw/stamp on photos attached throughout ProjectSight. Create a Stamp Tool(similar to a tool on the drawings): with a time stamp, today's date/date, arrow(s), text box etc.
Jane Shulzhenko over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Photo Management 2 Likely to implement

Photo Management Album Template

It would be beneficial to have the photo management module function off of album templates that you can control from project to project
Nick Weilemann almost 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Photo Management 0

Batch Edit Photo Location

When you upload photos to the photos module, you are able to select a few photos and tag them with the proper location. Once you hit save, you are no longer able to do this. It would be nice if there was a way to batch update photos, after they ar...
Ellen Shirreffs about 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Photo Management 1 Already exists

Add Photos to TrimbleConnect Sync for Uploads

When migrating photos from another system, they are always in folders and subfolders which are the albums in Photos. With TrimbleConnect Sync Tool, we can upload the files and folders and subfolders into the File Library since it can't be done in ...
Mercedes Green about 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Photo Management 0