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Welcome to the ProjectSight Idea Portal

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All ideas

Showing 2279 of 2279

Email the User when a Vista Import Fails

When a user clicks a record to Send to Vista, it takes 1 hour to import. There is no notification if it fails due to whatever the reason so we are constantly missing POs or Change Orders etc at month-end then it becomes a flurry of late nights try...
Mercedes Green 6 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Integrations 0

Project Number included as a pre-fix to the document number.

Include the project number as part of the document number so that it's easily identifiable outside of ProjectSight. Example: Purchase Orders Project number might be XYZ123PO numbers auto-increment and might look like:XYZ123-001XYZ123-002XYZ123-003...
Natalie Abshier almost 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Forms 0

Add a Summary Daily Report that shows total manhours per month or selected time frame

a combined daily report, so they can show total man hours per month, or per whatevertime frame they select, for the purpose of their monthly payment requisitions to owners. They don't put in requisitions by the day,so someone on their end will hav...
Guest over 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Daily Reports 0 Future consideration

More Robust Security around Budget

We need more advanced security options for the Budget (as opposed to all or nothing currently available). We have a project that has three General Contractors each working on their piece of the project. We want to be able to allow each contractor ...
Ricci Stevens over 2 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Security Roles 0

Scroll button

When zooming into plan pages, if you get too close to the edge of a plan, it automatically scrolls to the next plan page, too sensitive. Utilizing an arrow button to manually move to the next page would be helpful
Guest almost 2 years ago in PS Mobile Apps / Drawings 0 Future consideration

Add ability to have a link in one drawing go to another drawing and focus on a specific section.

Example: If Drawing A has a link referring to Drawing B.105 4 then the link should take you to Drawing B105 and take you to callout #4
Trimble ProX Team almost 5 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Drawings 0

Button or alternative method to expand all topics within Meeting Minutes

Expand meeting minutes quicker, everyone using meeting minutes. Function just like a check all box but would expand all.
mark Lindley 12 months ago in PS Web App & Platform / Document Control 0

Add title to assignments on home page

Please add the record title to the assignment cards on the home screen. While I find the assignment panel helpful, without a record title I am not able to easily open the record I want to take action on at that moment. Rather, I need to open the r...
Jeremy Sibert over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Assignments & Courtesy Copies / Project Home Page 0

Portfolio Level Distribution Lists

We have certain documents that need to be distributed to corporate-level people who have access to many projects. It would be helpful if we could create Distribution lists at the Portfolio level that are available to all projects in the portfolio.
David Olivet over 4 years ago in PS Web App & Platform / Settings & Administration 1

Include Sample Project when creating a new portfolio from a Template portfolio

Please allow the ability to create a new portfolio from a template and include the sample project.
Henrick Malpica over 1 year ago in PS Web App & Platform / Portfolios 0